Crusader Kings II The Old Gods Steam Region Free

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Для активации дополнения Crusader Kings II The Old Gods вы должны иметь на аккаунту саму игру Crusader Kings II
Наши гарантии:
- 20 лет на рынке игр! Качество проверенное временем!
- Более 220 тысяч продаж!
- Свыше 25 тысяч положительных отзывов!
- Бизнес-уровень Webmoney - 550!
- На весь товар пожизненная гарантия!
The game has no territorial restrictions - REGION FREE and is suitable for activation in any country.
Язык игры: English, French, Italian, German
Europe is in turmoil. The land has been fragmented into petty fiefdoms. The Emperor is struggling with the Pope. The Holy Father declares that all who go to liberate the Holy Land will be freed of their sins.
Now Is the Time For Greatness…
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods is the fourth expansion for the critically praised strategy/RPG. Finally play as a Pagan or Zoroastrian ruler, with particular focus on the dreaded Vikings. Pillage and adventure according to true Viking tradition!
Key Features
Play as a Pagan chieftain and ravage your weak neighbors. If you remain at peace for too long, your people will grow restless...
The new, earliest start date is 867 AD. The Viking Rurik has founded the kingdom of Rus and the Great Heathen Army under the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok rampage through England
Play as a Zoroastrian lord and restore your ancient religion to prominence
Adventurers: Landless characters can gather armies and carve out new realms on their own
Prepared Invasions: Declare your intention to invade and watch your armies grow with adventurers and restless warriors, but don't wait too long to start your war or it might all fall apart...
Rebels with a Cause: Rebels are no longer a faceless menace – they are now led by characters with agendas
Loot and pillage provinces. Burn down cities and take their gold!
Sacrifice to Odin at the great Blot!
Christians and Muslims can dispatch missions to convert the depraved heathens
New beautiful Pagan interface skin
New events and decisions: berserkers, sejdr, curses, omens, divinations, runestones and much more
@MediaSoft - 20 лет на рынке игр! Качество проверенное временем!
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2. Нажмите кнопку "Добавить игру - активировать через Steam" и следуйте инструкции. После активации игра появится в списке игр и вы сможете ее скачать.
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